Tuesday 27 September 2016

The House that Jack built - 27 Sept 2016

An exciting week now, after some feverish activity to make preparations, now the kit arrived.
Crane was there and waiting. Lorry arrived at about 10 with the Studio kit on board, plus various other bits and pieces. It was a bit of a challenge getting it through the narrow entrance into the golf club grounds at the rear of the house where the crane stood. And a bit worrying when the wind started to blow, but it was nothing like the 40mph forecast for the central belt at the time.

 However all went smoothly and by 4pm the building had a roof on.
Why from Poland? Much of our construction timber is sourced from overseas. In Poland they make Steico I-beams [joists made of a thin central core of manufactured board with timber at each end] which are less termally conductive and also stronger for given size than solid timber. Steico also make insulation from wood fibre. So a Polish factory can construct competitively an excellent quality wall/roof frame from I-beams, fully filled with insulation and clad on the ouitside with a further 100mm of insulation.
Windows were fitted later after these pics - they were supposed to be fitted in factory, but arrived on the back of the lorry.

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