Monday 7 May 2018

Landscaping - another challenge!

Landscaping. A major task. First a path was planned for wheelchair access. It was finished with chukkies in [recycled] plastic retaining grids, which make it wheelchair friendly. The path had to fit various specific requirements of
  • easy gradient, 
  • level platts for rest every 10m, and 
  • not to disturb the tree roots of the various trees with Tree Protection Orders. 
 The completion of the path was further delayed, since it went over ground that had been exchanged to the Council with a right of access retained. The Council were to build an extension to the car park, which was eventually engaged in november 2017, followed rapidly by snow, ice and otherwise conditions unfavourable to completing the access path. They were persuaded to build a new section of wall which provided one side of the path when it had descended to that level. Elsewhere the path was built with hefty slabs of timber edging in treated larch, and a fence was added to discourage people from falling off into the road. And finished with chukkies. Gate for gateway currently under construction.

 Here is part of the large order of plants from wholesaler, with some images of the planting out.

 The timber edging for the path shows the challenge of constructing the path at the appropriate slope.

 And a more formal structure for the planting in front of the studio.

 With the triangular raised beds filled with aubretia grown from seed for planting on elsewhere, and annuals for a bit of colour.

The steep bank beside the gabions facing toward the High Street. Difficult to dig and plant here!

 Here is the story of the wardrobe doors, eventually ordered from JLewis because I preferred the smoke grey to the IKEA offering, and they appeared to be identical in size. When installed, they fitted the IKEA frame fine, but were blue, which I thought was a bit funny, but I decided was rather good after all the white of the rest of the house. However when the protective covering was removed, they re-emerged as...smoke grey.

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