Monday 24 July 2017

An historical digression

On 11 Sept 1709, the Duke of Marlborough won the fourth of his great 'victories' in the War of Spanish Succession, in the company of various allies fighting against the French.
Unfortunately he lost more than half his men in the fight, and whilst he held the battlefield at the end of the day, the French withdrew in an orderly manner and lost less than half of the Allies' dead.
Whilst there were Scots fighting on both sides, it is likely that Captain Francis Ross was employed in the British Army. He was amongst the 17,000 casulaties on the Allied side.
His estate was sold to pay his creditors, his wife remarried to Carnegie of Lours, and his only daughter died without descendants.
Capt Ross is an ancestor on my mothers side. So this house honours his memory.
Auchlossen is an area some 8 miles up the Dee valley, with some interesting spatial and historical features, which I may bore you with at some later date.

Anyway suffice it to say that I have moved in to Auchlossen, and I am trying to sort out my possessions redeemed from store, and the landscape, as well as finishing bits of painting, fitting wardrobes, blinds, tv aerials etc.

And today, a little more than 3 weeks after the due date, Openreach successfully connected me to fibre - hooray.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to read some background of your beautiful new place, Mark! You must be very proud to be able to live here. We forgot to ask. Good luck wit h the finishing of your house.
