Saturday 29 October 2016

Wind and watertight

 Here the ply roof is completed and the large Fakro skylight is visible [1.2x2.4m].
 Bill excavated thetracks for the drains and other service ducts from the garage to the roadside, where the specialist contractor took over.
The drains were linked out to the road services - a specialist contractor dealt with the road connection for sewer, water, gas and electric. They had a permit to close the road for 2 weeks, tho actually managed to complete the work in a week. The postie was pleased to be able to walk peacefully up the road, but I am sure the rest of Banchory population was less excited.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Void and roof construction

On top of the insulated roof, there is a ventilation void and a ply deck which will be the base for the waterproof layer and the green roof. This element also provides the 'outriggers' that offer shading from the mid-day sun.

The other unseen jobs were to attend to strapping of the timber frame to the foundation, and to fix in the large windows on the South side. The smaller windows had been installed in the factory when the timber frame was constructed.

 The skylight is strapped to the frame, to ensure that it does not blow off in a gale! Hardly likely given that it is triple glazed and weighs heavy - a four man lift.

And my contribution today was to take a large bag of rubbish away to the dump. Followed by another load of brash from the Lime trees whose basal growth I had been trimming back.
Also to organise BillG to remove a large pile of excavation from in front of the garage. However after one of 3 loads with tractor and trailer, a puncture emerged in one of the trailer tyres, so the other two loads were deferred.

Monday 3 October 2016

Roof fitted - day3 30 Sept 2016

On the third day...
the roof was fitted.
Nice calm day at last, so less risk.
Meantime all the windows, doors and plasterboard  were located within the house,
ready for action.

 Roof cassettes constructed from Steico I-beams filled with wood fibre insulation, with a layer of wood fibre board over, to make a warm breathable roof.

 Laminated ringbeam surrounds the roof cassettes